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Tei'oopiitiii is a name from a conlang for a member of Wikipedia meaning "Creative One". Tei'oopiitiii himself is an anarchist with an interest in philosophy, politics, and art. He is a big fan of Wikipedia and particularly likes how it is open to the public and not simply produced by an élite few on the web and how it resembles many anarchist ideas.

Origin of Name


Tei'oopiitiii is from a constructed language called Teiiipiiiriitee (Socialist-language), a language built with socialist concepts in mind. It also draws influence from existentialism, surrealism, and other movements in philosophy and the arts. The language is polysynthetic and the name Tei'oopiitiii contains an entire sentence.

The proletarian is able to cause to exist.

Hense, it refers to a worker who can make things, or a "creative one" as the translation in the introduction states. In Teiiipiiiriitee, the suffix -rai is usually attached when refering to another socialist by name and means "comrade", a concept based partly on the use of honorific suffixes in Japanese, though reversed in connotations.



Tei'oopiitiii's hobbies include sci-fi, anime, and political and philosophical discussion. He is an avid user of the internet and spends much of his free time using it. He also enjoys writing, drawing, and creating constructed languages, such as the one that his screenname is derived from. In many ways, he is the stereotypical nerd.

He is working on using his conlanging skills and philosophical concepts to write a series of stories set in a science-fantasy universe.



Tei'oopiitiii is a staunch anarcho-communist and a harsh critic of government and capitalism. He is considered to be quite argumentative by many in places he frequents for his unyielding opposition to hierarchy and love of debates. He views himself as a sort of counterbalance to forums that could use some diversity in opinion.

In particular, he is an outspoken opponent of gender rôles no matter the cultural context, which has had some interesting rammifications for his opposition to what he considers to be imperialism by the US in the Middle-east. His feminism is an extention to a general opposition to rôles and social classes.

Economically, he is strongly opposed to capitalism and supports a moneyless, nonmarket economy based on "from each according to ability, to each according to need". He regards the welfare state as a necessary evil until capitalism can be brought down and replaced by anarcho-communism. He particularly draws on the ideas of Peter Kropotkin in economics.

Politically, Tei'oopiitiii is an anarchist through and through and bitterly opposes government in all forms, favoring a stateless, classless society. He believes in particular that this will foster moral responsibility and abolish war. His anarchism] is quite pacifistic and he believes violence should be avoided whenever possible.

Religion and Philosophy


Tei'oopiitiii is critical of organized religion, but differs from most anarchists in that he does not embrace reason so tightly and tends to be skeptical of both religious and scientific claims to truth. He has his own personal religion, which he calls Sentimentalism, which hasn't interested others as of yet.

His religion of Sentimentalism is a form of religious existential humanism emphasizing the worth and potential in all humans and the necessity of mutual aid and love to overcome the danger of nihilism and endure the anguish that comes with living authentically. His religion is agnostic, however, and emphasizes the divine in humanity rather than a diety.

Sentimentalism also draws heavily on postmodernism and surrealism and contrasts an authentic surreality with an inauthentic hyperreality. This division forms the basis of his anarchism, which is essentially an opposition to consumerism and simulated freedom and happiness which Tei'oopiitiii believes form the basis of modern society.

Tei'oopiitiii is distrustful of science's claims to objectivity and believes that it is no less prone to orthodoxy than religion. He believes the determinism in science has led to an attack on human dignity and worth that is no better than that of organized religion. He is particularly skeptical of technology, particularly transhumanism.

Favorite Quotes


"Workers of the world, unite!" — Karl Marx

"Existence preceeds essense." — Jean-Paul Sartre

"No one has the right to take the life of another." — Rem Sebarem (Trigun)

"Thank God I'm an atheist." — Luis Buñuel