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User:Rich Farmbrough/Disambig scripts

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Download the database.

Note these scripts work with the SQL databse dumps, not with the XML dumps. Create this perl script dab.pl


while (<>) {
	@lines=split /\[INSERT INTO \`cur\` VALUES \(|\d\'\),\(|\d\'\);\n/;
      foreach $line (@lines){
		$line =~ m/\d+,(\d+),'(.+?[^\\])','(.+?[^\\])','/;
            if ($space==0) {
			if ($text =~ m/\{\{disambig\}\}/){
				print $name, "\n";	
			elsif ($text =~ m/\{\{msg:disambig\}\}/){
				print $name, "\n";	


perl dab.pl ddddddddd_cur_table.sql > dab.txt

Where dddddd is the appropriate date (Takes a few minutes, I didn't time it.)

then create countdab.pl

open (DAB,"dab.txt");
while (<DAB>){
while (<>) {
	@lines=split /\[INSERT INTO \`cur\` VALUES \(|\d\'\),\(|\d\'\);\n/;
      foreach $line (@lines){
		$line =~ m/\d+,(\d+),'(.+?[^\\])','(.+?[^\\])','/;
		if ($1==0){
			@links= /\[\[(.*?)(?:\||\]\])/g;

 			foreach $link (@links){
				if ( exists $dab{$link} ) {
	print STDERR ".",++$i;
foreach $key (sort { $dab{$b} <=> $dab{$a} } keys %dab) {
  print "# [[", $key,"]] ([[Special:Whatlinkshere/",$key,"|links]] to ",$dab{$key}," articles)\n";
  if ($i++>200) {last;}

and run with something like

perl dabcount.pl dddddddddd_cur_table.sql > count.txt

where dddddddddd is the appropriate date. (takes about twenty minutes)

and you have your result. It's not perfect because it ignores nowiki, comments etc. but for a disambiguation league table it's good enough.