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== Empire of the Star ==

A secret imperial monarchial government led by the most influential man in their world, His Imperial Highness Alexei, Emperor of the Empire of Equilibria, Emperor of the Federation of the Star, Czar of White Russia, Grand Duke of Starforce and Prince of Hobbdest. They have made their own society and perhaps their own world complete with their own media, business, education, monetary agency, travel and military complete with an army, navy and an air force. They live in secret towns and cities. They are not lawless in fact they have their complete judicial department resembling those of UK, America and the Philippines.

Their main aim is to seclude themselves from the world and at the same time help mankind. This is no fairytale and is pure truth. Members live double lives. They may be beggars here but in their group, they are millionaires. They can choose to live permanently or to visit once in a while. In short this group gives you a second chance. If you are not lucky on your “first life” why not go for another try. A fresh new start. The only membership fee is your lifelong membership. However overpopulation is a main problem of the government and screening is done.

They are not completely alone. There is the Kingdom of Berbania, Starforce, Hobbdest, Kingdom of Heaven and The Phoenix Country.

Official Imperial Press John Walnut

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