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Collected Quotes/conversations from Wikipedia




  • Should definately be kept, each soundtrack of Vice City has distinctive personalities. If it is deleted, it would be equivalent to deleting England as it is part of Europe, or deleting Windows because it is a kind of OS.
    • Can someone please save this comment for posterity? I love the statement that GTA: Vice City is equivalent to the continent of Europe. - KeithTyler 17:29, Oct 5, 2004 (UTC)
This conversation part of the VfD for VRock, a fictional radio station in the Grand Theft Auto video game --Improv 19:19, 6 Oct 2004 (UTC)

Catriona LeMay Doan


Catriona LeMay Doan had many setbacks such as always training. If she was always training then she woundlnt have time to have a regular normal life. Another setback is the time when she fell. That was very unfortunate but she kaept trying and worked very hard and thats where she is today

Content of Catriona LeMay Doan/setbacks, which may have been deleted by now. --Improv 14:03, 22 Oct 2004 (UTC)

Todd McCormick

  • !!!!!! First of all... you worship hitler if you think this should be deleted. While we're at it why don't we delete the article on Buddha? What's so notable about it? Expansion will come... it was just placed as a starting point. -- Unsigned by User:
    • I'm baffled beyond belief. And it seems that I worship Hitler. -- BobDoe 07:38, 24 Oct 2004 (UTC)
Part of the VfD for Todd McCormick --Improv 21:30, 25 Oct 2004 (UTC)

Society of Biblical Literature


Hello, who knows THE HOLY SCRIPTURES AND THE HUMAN RIGHTS? I can be wondering a long time and what is the use on Sundays to tell/say/utter/pronounce/quote what you want from THE BIBLE or THE KORAN, who is able to quote THE HUMAN RIGHTS? What do you think of today's world? The religious peoples are totally inefficient and the polticians do only what they want, they do not care at all of all the poverty on Earth, so what is the use of any kind of materiality, yes of non-spiritual things? Who can tell me elements of THE BIBLE, for instance, also to punish the just is not good, nor to strike princes for equity! And since years, more precisely since seven years in France, THE HUMAN RIGHTS were totally destroyed, what a shame, THE UNO, what is the use of such an assembly? I have been writing to them and no reply, how many letters will I have to send in New York City, just to be believed, and I do not know if they do believe at all, well, I do not care at all. In fact, I do not have a specific religion, I only consider THE TWO BOOKS and THE HUMAN RIGHTS, strangely, when I tell THE PURE TRUTH, I am not believed, no, never since 1997. Normally, you can travel freely from country to another without being strangely prevented from it, you can also marry the lady you want, no matter the nationality, the religion and so on, that is in the articles.What about the privacy of one person, there are too many events proving that things are against my three entities, previously written, interferring with the way of life, like in a comic-strip it is so strange. I could be adding lots of other details, and what for, pretty please? Who is able to tell me, why Hollywood is so powerful today? Why do I have to pay a matchmaker today, after seven years, simply to get hitched, with a lady, or now several, why not, to make up for the lost years of loneliness, maybe not, one is much enough, we will see, for more than one, it will cost much more expensive. Can you tell me why no lady is able to pick up a man, why could I not be asking all I want directly to the ladies I want? You know, it is just written by the way, I know, this is not a priority, well, what is a priority on that world? During some years I will have to earn money, yes a defence, with it, I will be able to achieve many possibilities, I will be able to buy ladies or pay the most efficient matchmakers on Earth. YOu know, each time I have been speaking, the ladies were refusing to answer my precious questions, that is why now, I do not undertake something and I am only relying on THE LORD, yes providence and hazard. In 2008, I will come in New York City with my parents and will have to pay the cheapest matchmaker over there. I will never pick up, this is vain and how could I be knowing if a lady is telling the truth, or not? Now, I am asking myself if I can trust just one Human, I do believe with all my heart, my mind and my soul, this is the more important ever, to be sure, one day, I shall be rewarded with honour and majesty. Another point, I have never seen All-American ladies in France, You have to know that when I was a teenager, my desire was there, I wanted to marry a Foreigner lady, it was something foreseen, not? When I do deem all what I could have been living in France since 1997, I only have one wish, not three, just one, we never know, it is to leave this country, well, I already have four bags with me, I told my parents that I will be coming back later and take some of my other belongings, they were agreeing. Then, in advance, I will thank the readers of my words, not desperate, but in need to be accepted like something true and not faked. I have found a site on the magical and powerful internet, created by who?, Peoplemeet.com, I hope to receive/get/have/obtain a positive answer as soon as possible, in fact this is an American matchmaker, perhaps, with some chance, I know I am lucky, I do not try to be more lucky than that, I should be making my luck more self-confident and more up-to-date, could be indeed. If I were not working until 2008, I could do/reach/achieve/make ready something smart, yes interesting, who knows save/but THE LORD? Who has the mind to agree or disagree on that world? Who is right and who is wrong? Why nobody is able to tell THE TRUTH? Who is faking THE TRUTH, the reality too since 1997? I can be wondering a long time, years ago, I did praise a lot, now, I see, it is maybe vain, THE LORD is doing only what pleases him. So, no religion, only THE PURE FAITH IN ITSELF. Why is America so powerful and unable to introduce me in France since 1997 to a deserved lady and to come and pick me up from the sort of hell happening here, I do precisely remember well, it was in Strasbourg, there I have been meeting a student, she had no time to have a drink, that is why now, I do not want to loose my time and get a negative answer.

Coffield paradox


The Coffield paradox aims to question the absolute validity of probability in reality. Its reasoning is best represented by a coin-flipping scenario.

Suppose you are flipping a coin. The probability of flipping heads is 1/2. The probability of flipping heads twice in a row is 1/4. Now suppose you flip the coin once with a result of heads. If you were to flip the coin again, what would be the probability of flipping heads? Since the first flip will not affect the second, this suggests that the probability is 1/2. However, if you do flip heads again, you will have flipped heads twice in a row, suggesting that the probability of flipping heads is actually 1/4. Both appear to be equally valid, so here is mathematical contradiction.

Reithy's user page


Reithy is a controversial wikipedian who occasionally has been banned. His user page has occasionally been amusing, but sadly has often been blanked by the people who have banned him. Here is a recent version of his userpage:

Wikipedia Sandbox/Storytelling


Strange stuff indeed. /storytelling --Improv 23:38, 31 August 2006 (UTC)



Arbcom Election 2004 Campaign Pages


A few people have mentioned that the endorsements page for the Arbcom elections may be frozen and deleted. I want to keep backup copies in that case, because I think it's important.

Userbox mess


In late 2005/early 2006, a major mess relating to userbox deletions happened, with some very heavy community debates. I'm saving some samples.



Great Failure of Wikipedia

  • I'm saving a copy of User:Jscott's Great Failure of Wikipedia essay here, for my (and your) perusal. I disagree with it.
    • My response to an earlier preliminary version is here
      • Information needs to be organized and sensible to be useful. That involves control. Consider your user page's story about a totally jumbled car heading to the water. The constant editing is an attempt to prevent such a jumbled, mismatched article from staying that way -- people who take care to prune the tree responsibly keep the encyclopedia from being such a mess. I understand that you're bothered by the idea that other people can tweak "your" article, but part of the point of the encyclopedia is that people don't own articles here. They're for the benefit of all, and are open to editing by all. We all try to do our best to implement the rules and traditions as we understand them, and so far, we've produced a lot of really great content. Despite the process having some rough edges, I see no failure in Wikipedia. Occasionally people come along who have ideas that don't fit with ours, and they eventually either learn and follow the traditions or they leave, sometimes doing their own thing on their own wikis. The database dumps are there for everyone -- there's nothing stopping them from using them. As for a major fork, if it happens, it happens. I don't think we should be afraid of it, but nor do I see a strong reason for it right now. We'll manage if it comes to pass. --Improv 21:56, 17 Nov 2004 (UTC)
        • Jscott, you may be amused to find that, as a longstanding Usenet moderator (who currently has 7 newsgroups) who has been on Usenet since long before the great renaming, I'm not quite so anyone-can-edit-anything as you'd think. However, recall how Usenet works -- anyone can become a moderator if they put the time into the right social institutions. I would suggest we steer new users away from VfD, and otherwise make Wiki more structured, but I think your pessimism is unwarranted, and the degree to which you take the pro-cabal stance is unproductive. Your history of using personal insults also does not speak well of you. Remember that, like Usenet, Wikipedia is a social network, and it requires care from people who are present, both the empowered and the not-so-empowered. Extreme cabal and extreme anarchy both suck (Wikipedia may be a bit closer to anarchy than I would like). The reason everyone accepted Tale's reign on Usenet was because he's a nice guy with good judgement and a vision for Usenet. His power came from that. (he has since retired, as I'm sure you know). --Improv 22:58, 17 Nov 2004 (UTC)
        • I am not the least bit amused by anything that spews forth from your pie-hole. I like that you've decided that my generated content needs to be swiped from my page and "wikified" to your liking. I am not interested in wasting more time on Wikipedia collaborating with you on my own fucking essays. My "history" extends a little further than the last month or so on Wikipedia, joyfully insulting the knobs. I refuse to believe that in 1986 you were doing more than wondering what Catwoman looked like out of her suit. Die. --Jscott 23:06, 17 Nov 2004 (UTC)



I'm saving a copy of Kate's essay WhyWikiPediaWorksNot here.



Although it remains my belief that a great encyclopaedia would include all schools, I cannot be bothered voting to include them all any more. Those who want to make a slightly bigger, slightly worse Britannica will probably win in the end because Wikipedia will always be a magnet for those who have a greater sense of their own importance than is strictly merited, and those guys just will never get the idea that an encyclopaedia need not be particularly restrictive to be good, because it would deflate that sense.

Of course, that does mean that the dream of a tremendous edifice of learning -- a wild dream to begin with, given the burdens of POV pushing, a bureaucracy that feeds itself (never, surely, part of the wiki concept -- I can't see how it's particularly constructive to spend hours, days and weeks burning witches -- why not just empower Dave Gerard et al to kick out whoever they disapprove of, which with the broad interpretation of blocking policy some use is already becoming the case, and not bother with the kangaroo courts? Just let the deletionists rid us of whatever irks them rather than pretend that we don't like trolling while having a page that invites it to the max) and outright fuckwittedry that it has to shoulder -- is sacrificed to the smallminded, limited vision of people who are labouring under a rather antiquated notion of what's important (peculiarly, many Wikipedians strive to make it a modernist masterpiece, like Britannica or OED in their realms, rather than understand the great attraction and promise of it as a postmodernist wonder -- still, I suppose that many are "scientists" and few "artists" and the former are very much stuck in the modernist idiom).

From the user page of Dr Zen

Elian's Comparison of Wikipedia-EN and Wikipedia-DE


I think this is interesting and important

