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A nonperson is a person who is systemically ignored or concealed[1] or who lacks, loses, or is forcibly denied social or legal status, especially basic human rights, or who effectively ceases to have a record of their existence within a society (damnatio memoriae), from a point of view of traceability, documentation, or existence.[citation needed]


In the case of undocumented immigrants and at times foreign nationals in the United States who have entered the country legally, there are comparisons made to non-personhood due to their lack of agency and differential treatment under the law.[2]

See also



  1. ^ "Nonperson". American Heritage Dictionary. Retrieved July 26, 2024.
  2. ^ Johnson, Kevin (1997-01-01). "The Social and Legal Construction of Nonpersons". University of Miami Inter-American Law Review. 28 (2): 263.